Already I have received many ornaments for my memory tree…The Star at the top of the tree is to remember how Mell shown bright….and the Snowman from my friend Debbie…who didn't know Mell but we say that her husband, Clyde, and Mell prayed us together, is to remind me of his gift of love to me….she said she wanted a snow angel…this was the closest she could find! I had to put this one on the tree because Avi thought it was hers!
A blown glass airplane from
my neighbor Lynn who did not know Mell but wanted to contribute…we met one day when I was
walking Avi and have become good friends.
The Alaska Bell is from out real-estate Lady Janice…what a blessing!
The Santa Airplane and the Moose and the bear came from Patty and Eric who bought our first
airplane we flew to Alaska…Patty and Eric said "In our hearts we know Mell would not want you
to be sad. So here are some happy reminders of the good times you & Mell had in Alaska!
Pauline who was in our small group at church sent the snowflake…she said"Mell like a snowflake
fallen and quickly gone, But also unique and beautiful, he was a precious perfect snowflake.
Gone but never forgotten, until we are together again in heaven!
and I add…Mell was one of a kind !
The brown cross is from Nancy and Russell from our small group …they shared that Mell's desire
was for his son and others to know the message of the cross…and just as Jesus laid his life down
for us all, Mell laid down his life for his son and the others on the plane.
Be reminded of Mell's presence with the Lord and the joy he is experiencing today and everyday!
Whoever gave me the white cross…?…"Believe says it all" Mell believed!
The next one is from Bill and Diane from our small group…they said " This would have been the first thing Mell would have stated to anyone so that they might share in the Lord's gift of salvation.
added by me….and you gotta read this book !
Our friends Winnie and Leroy ….we met in Alaska…sent the angel….Mell has his new wings!