It was a very stormy Tuesday night here in Georgia back a few months ago. I usually met my friend Reneyda at the McDonalds in Snellville to ride to our Griefshare class in Conyers. This particular night the storms were so bad we almost decided not to go, but we pressed on…
McDonalds was closed due to loss of electricity…so I called Reneyda and told her I would meet her at the Chick fil a a little further down the road.
I got something to eat and sat down…not long after... this funny little Cow sat down with me.
I ask if he could talk…He shook his head no…so I said "Lord, we have a one sided conversation here…what do you want me to say?" I proceded with "What do you think happens to you after you die?" He put his hands in the air as to say "I haven't a clue" I proceded to tell him of Mell's death and my story and about the Mark Cahill book Mell and I were giving away when he died.
I had one in my bag so I gave it to him…he just kept thanking me with his hand signals. I left to see if Reneyda was there to pick me up yet and noticed a Barrow County School Bus in the parking lot. I didn't think much about it as I had just started working for them and didn't really know anyone.
Before I go on…the past month or so has been really difficult and I have been discouraged in sharing my faith with others….which is what my new purpose in life is supposed to be.
A few weeks ago we had a meeting at work…the director of Transportation said" If you are getting sleepy get up and go to the back wall" I just knew she was talking to me, because I was quickly nodding I got up and went and stood in the back.
After the meeting a lady came up to me and said" You are the lady who was sharing your faith in Jesus Christ with the Chick fila Cow in Snellville!" I was shocked to say the least. She was the driver of that Barrow County School Bus in the parking lot and overheard me talking to the Cow!
I walked away from that meeting in Awe of my God…I felt he was saying to me "If a Barrow County School Bus Driver sees your good works …what about me?"
I am encouraged today…that the God I serve will give me strength to go on…
We never know who's watching….
Proverbs 8:33-34
33 Listen to my instruction and be wise;
do not disregard it.34 Blessed are those who listen to me,
watching daily at my doors,
waiting at my doorway.
35 For those who find me find life
and receive favor from the LORD. for a free copy of the book by Mark Cahill