Monday, March 29, 2010

Wedding Day

I Received this email from a friend in Alaska...keep in mind that the church is the Bride of Christ and where  there is a bride there is a Wedding! Janice is the real-estate lady that helped us try to find property in Alaska.
Good Morning, I hope this email finds you doing the best you can under the circumstances. I wanted to see how you are? I had a dream last night about Mell, he flew to Alaska, was going to sell his plane and he told the Buyer of the plane, the reason for selling was he had to get back to you as you both had an upcoming wedding...I could see him plain as day in my dream...I had to share this with you. I lost my mom in August 2001 and to this day, still have not had a dream about her...
I know he is with you and still enjoying the time you both shared together...I do hope all is well. 
God Bless You Mary, may he keep you safe!

Mell is looking forward and waiting for me when we join Jesus as His Bride….
WEDDING DAY is Coming!

love ya

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